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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

What is Strive Mentoring?

The purpose of the Strive Mentoring Program is to link youth (ages 10 to 17) identified by the Wayne County Juvenile Court with a caring adult that can serve as a supportive individual and help them deal with various life challenges including but not limited to social/emotional, academic, personal growth and development. The mentoring relationship is meant for positive impact as well as decreasing recidivism.

Why Wayne County?

  • "In 2016, there were 339 new Delinquency cases filed with the Wayne County Juvenile Court." —Wayne County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division 2016 Annual Report

What Qualities Do We Look For In a Mentor?

We would like to invite individuals in good standing who desire to impact the life of a young person to apply for our program and be a part of a community effort to impact Wayne County. Our hope at Catholic Charities is to build intentional, meaningful relationships with Strive Mentors through support and guidance so they may effectively pour into their Strive Mentee.

Mentors assume these different roles during the course of a relationship, and share some basic qualities:

  • A sincere desire to be involved with a young person
  • Respect for young people
  • Active listening skills
  • Empathy
  • Ability to see solutions and opportunities
  • Flexibility


Contact Program Coordinator Amy Banaga at (330) 317-0236, or send her an email at

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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